Housing and Homelessness Committee
Housing and Homelessness Committee
The ACC-OC Housing and Homelessness Committee focuses on addressing the critical issues of housing and homelessness in Orange County. Through policy development, advocacy, and community partnerships, we are committed to finding workable solutions to combat the devastating effects of homelessness while focusing on housing, development, and land use decisions affecting the Orange County Region. While advocating for local control, the committee also examines viable options for housing requirements, funding, grant availability, and best practices for smart solutions in the face of housing issues. We have created a collaborative network of public, private, and non-profit partners that are working tirelessly to give our cities the tools they need to address these critical issues.
This committee meets quarterly.

ACC-OC is a proud to partner with the California Sober Living & Recovery Task Force (CASLAR). To learn more about their initiatives focused on effective solutions for Sober Living and Recovery Homes across California, visit their website.

Mayor Valerie Amezcua
City of Santa Ana
Committee Chair
The committee is chaired by Mayor Valerie Amezcua from the City of Santa Ana. If you have questions about the Committee meetings, or if you would like to present at a committee meetings, please contact us at info@accoc.org.