Who We Are
About ACC-OC

The Association of California Cities–Orange County (ACC-OC) represents the interests of Orange County cities on regional public policy issues. The Association believes in education that empowers, policy development that is collaborative, and advocacy that is service orientated. The ACC-OC membership base consists of the cities of Orange County, dozens of local government special districts, businesses, non-profits, and higher education institutions. The Association is governed by a board of Directors and operates as a 501c3.
The organization was established in 2011 under the philosophy that Orange County cities need to have a collaborative voice on public policy issues impacting the community.
What We
Stand For
ACC-OC believes in the process of facilitating dialogue that allows multiple stakeholders to develop solutions and solve problems that improve the quality of life for Orange County residents, while preserving the character and values of individual communities. This is evident through the work of the Association, which includes public employee public employer pension stabilization, homelessness, housing and economic development, and residential recovery reform–issues that transcend all thirty-four Orange County cities. ACC-OC not only provides a place to come together to solve problems and work collaboratively, but also offers a mechanism that supports regional efforts that create financial and operational efficiencies.
If you are interested in learning more about the Association's work or how you can get involved, please contact us: info@accoc.org.