In Case you Missed It!
ACC-OC Mayoral Roundtable

ACC-OC hosted a Mayoral Roundtable luncheon this week, bringing together city leadership from across Orange County to discuss important municipal issues and opportunities to secure additional state and federal funding. Discussions were held on regional sustainability efforts with speakers representing Southern California Edison, Orange County Waste and Recycling’s (OCWR) office of Environmental Sustainability, and Orange County Public Works’ OC Survey Geospatial Services. Dr. Jay Barbuto, Director; Center for Leadership at California State University, Fullerton provided a keynote on Leading with Integrity and insights were shared by an esteemed panel of independently elected mayors, including:
Mayor Valerie Amezcua, Santa Ana
Mayor Ashleigh Aitken, Anaheim
Mayor Farrah Khan, Irvine
Mayor Chi Charlie Nguyen, Westminster
Mayor David Shawver, Stanton
Join the Conversation on ACC-OC's City Square Podcast
-Where Orange County Comes to Connect-

In this edition of City Square, hosted by ACC-OC Board President Stephanie Klopfenstein, we're thrilled to introduce Michael Hunn, CEO of CalOptima. Together, they delved into the array of opportunities and vital services that CalOptima tirelessly delivers to California residents. Their mission is to ensure there is equitable access to essential health and human services for all. A special thanks to our sponsor, AIM Youth Mental Health, for supporting this episode.
Our latest episode of City Square podcast is live!
Listen on all platforms

We're thrilled to announce our upcoming events and can't wait to share them with you all! Visit our website to RSVP and secure your spot for these exciting opportunities.

Join ACC-OC's Sacramento Advocacy Trip on April 8-9, 2024! This exclusive opportunity allows attendees to engage directly with legislative leaders and advocate for policies crucial to the region including energy, infrastructure, housing, public safety, water, and other vital issues as we work to keep OC in LOCal Government.
Space for this trip is limited, and seats are filling up fast, secure your spot today!

We are pleased to announce our Save the Date for our 2024 Leadership Conference which will include bringing back the Golden Hubs of Innovation Awards and 2024 Board of Directors Installation for Wednesday, May 8, 2024. This will be a fantastic event highlighting the great work being done in the region and conclude with a reception to celebrate our newly installed Board.

MWD Colorado River Aqueduct Tour
Save the Date to Join ACC-OC and MWD to tour their state-of-the-art Colorado River Aqueduct.
May 17-19

ACC-OC Washington DC Legislative Advocacy Trip
Join us as at the Nation’s Capital to advocate on Orange County’s top issues at the federal level.
September 16-19th
Phoenix Park Hotel, Washington DC

The California State Water Resources Control Board has proposed a new regulatory framework called Making Conservation a California Way of Life. This framework aims to establish personalized efficiency goals for each Urban Retail Water Supplier.
On March 12, 2024, the Board released new language for the proposed regulations. The public comment period will last for 15 days until March 27, 2024.
A State Water Board workshop will be held on March 20th.
For the New Language CLICK HERE
To access additional regulatory documents CLICK HERE
For a Facts Sheet CLICK HERE
For information on the Board Workshop CLICK HERE
For the Board Workshop Agenda and Links to the Meeting CLICK HERE
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed the disapproval South Coast Air Quality Management District's (SCAQMD) Contingency Measure Plan for the 1997 8-hour ozone standard, a decision that could have severe implications for our community's health and environment.
After receiving urgent requests to extend the 30-day public comment period, including a letter from ACC-OC and OCCOG, EPA has extended the deadline to April 3, 2024. Attached is the EPA notice to extend the deadline.
South Coast AQMD has created a webpage to provide current information on EPA’s proposed disapproval, CLICK HERE TO VIEW.
View ACC-OC's Action Alert
City of Irvine

The City of Irvine is pioneering a comprehensive sustainability initiative, partnering with various organizations and volunteers to combat climate change. Through the innovative Cool Block program, residents are empowered to lead their neighborhoods in sustainaility efforts, educing emissions and ulitility billd while enhancing resilience against climate disasters. With over 25 community organizations involved and 200 dedicated volunteers, Cool Block teams are tackling topics like energy efficiency, water conservation, and emergency preparedness, offering actionable solutions for a greener, more resilient future.
Next Week!
The Orange County Council of Governments (OCCOG)

The Orange County Council of Governments (OCCOG) 2024 Annual Conference will take place on Thursday, March 28 at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library & Museum. The theme – Consistent Collaboration Creates Community – celebrates the importance of coming together to address issues that cross city borders and strengthen our communities.
The conference will cover the topics of transportation, water, coastal infrastructure and housing. The 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. event includes a continental breakfast and lunch.
Registration is free for Orange County elected officials.
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)

Join CPUC's Water Division webinar on April 3, 2024, from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. to learn about their efforts in ensuring affordable, safe, and accessible water service. Topics include water rates, consumer assistance programs, compliance monitoring, water quality, conservation, and coordination during emergencies. Attendees can participate in a Q&A session to share opinions and ask questions.
Two Updates from the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA)
Track Protection Project at Mariposa Point

UPDATE: As of Monday, March 19, 2024, the rail line through San Clemente is set to reopen for regular passenger rail service. Emergency work to constrict a catchment wall protecting the track is concluding this week, allowing for the resumption of full passenger rail service ahead of schedule!
For more information, visit the project page.
Taxpayer Oversight Committee

The Orange Country Transportation Authority (OCTA) is looking for volunteers from the first, second, fourth, and fifth supervisorial districts to join their Taxpayer Oversight Committee. Applications are open until May 3 for these four positions. Candidates must be Orange County residents, at least 18 years old, and live in the district they aim to represent. APPLY HERE